June 12: English Worship Service

June 12: English Worship Service

Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the second Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, June 12th, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to...
June 12: English Worship Service

May 8: English Worship Service

Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the second Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, May 8th, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to join...
Karfreitagsgottesdienst 15 Uhr

Karfreitagsgottesdienst 15 Uhr

Am Karfreitag, 30. März, feiern wir um 15 Uhr unseren Gottesdienst – zu der Stunde, zu der Jesus am Kreuz für uns starb. Herzliche Einladung zu diesem besonderen Gottesdienst, in dem wir auf die biblischen Berichte von der Kreuzigung Jesu hören und das Abendmahl...