Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the first Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, November 2nd, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to...
Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the first Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, October 12th, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to...
Wir feiern Pfingsten – in einem gemeinsamen Gottesdienst mit der Baptistengemeinde und der Christengemeinde „Licht der Hoffnung“ am Pfingstsonntag, 9. Juni, 10.30 Uhr in der Uferkirche. An diesem Tag gibt es dann keinen Gottesdienst mehr um 16 Uhr!...
Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the first Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, June 1st, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to join...
Many people in Marburg are more familiar with the English language than with German. That’s why we celebrate a monthly English Worship Service, usually on the first Saturday of every month! We meet again Saturday, March 2nd, at 6 p.m. You are more than welcome to join...